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  • On women, democracy, and men MY TURN, Greenfield Recorder, July 12, 2024 By KARL MEYER The women were there first. That s h o u l d n’t come as a surprise. It’s likely been that way throughout history. Those were the people I found quietly holding signs on the village green on a Saturday some 20 years back.… Read more: On women, democracy, and men
  • War on women going strong The war on women is everywhere: in the home, locally, nationally and globally. Take the recent report from The New England Learning Center for Women in Transition here in Franklin County. In this past year, they served 1,933 women survivors of mainly male sexual and physical violence. In 2018, the National Sexual Violence Resource… Read more: War on women going strong
  • Why challenge to Israel is felt as fear MY TURN, Greenfield Recorder, June 22, 2024 By JOSEPH LEVINE A common theme in the justification for the violent police raids on the pro-Palestine encampments on campuses across the country, including my own at UMass Amherst, has been their alleged antisemitic character and the consequent feelings of being unsafe on the part of many… Read more: Why challenge to Israel is felt as fear
  • My Turn: ‘Bigger than Dobbs’: So many rights at risk
    By LOUISE ANTONY and ANN FERGUSON June 24 will be the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s earthshaking decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which eliminated the constitutional right to abortion, established in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Reversing nearly five decades of precedent supporting Roe, six Republican-appointed justices appealed to “history… Read more: My Turn: ‘Bigger than Dobbs’: So many rights at risk
  • Important interview with Jeffrey Sachs
    Interview with Tucker Carlson! Detailed responses from Dr. Sachs on many key issues of war, peace and politics.May 28, 2024
  • Opposing Israel’s policies simply not antisemitism
    MY TURN, Greenfield Recorder, June 7, 2024 By MARTIN SHOTZ, STEVEN SCHIFF, LIZ KELNER and JOHN BERKOWITZ We are writing in response to Mitchell Grosky’s My Turn: “War will end with Hamas destroyed,” [Recorder, June 2]. As members of the Jewish community, we would like to share our perspective, which is quite different from that… Read more: Opposing Israel’s policies simply not antisemitism
  • Raising hands and hope in common protest for peace COLUMN, by Pat Hynes, Greenfield Recorder, May 30, 2024 They gather every Saturday morning on the Greenfield Common from 11 a.m. to noon, often staying later. Their signs and banners read: LET GAZA LIVE, FREE PALESTINE, CEASEFIRE — NO ARM$ TO ISRAEL, NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE Why? Johanna (Jo) Rosen stands on the common… Read more: Raising hands and hope in common protest for peace
  • Mother’s Day 2024
    H. Patricia HynesRecorder and Gazette, LA Progressive Ambassador Vanessa Frazier, Malta’s permanent representative to the United Nation, spearheaded the November 2023 resolution for a temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, given that 70% of those killed in Gaza were children and women. “…Men want to end the war, women want to make peace,” she said. There… Read more: Mother’s Day 2024
  • Open letter to Presidents of Colleges and the University of Massachusetts in Western Massachusetts
    May 9 in the Montague Reporter We write to express our support for your students’ peaceful and moral expressions of support for Palestinian civilians in Gaza currently under merciless assault by the Israeli military.  Your students are calling for an end to the war and US support for it, including disclosure of and divestment of your… Read more: Open letter to Presidents of Colleges and the University of Massachusetts in Western Massachusetts
  • Pat Hynes: Nuclear weapons bills need action  Two companion nuclear weapons bills presented by Senator Jo Comerford are sitting in the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, co-chaired by Senator Timilty and Representative Gonzalez. They are S.1488 for the creation of a Nuclear Weapons and Climate Citizens Commission, and S.1487 a resolution to move us Back from the Brink… Read more: Pat Hynes: Nuclear weapons bills need action